Bringing Color and Creativity to the World, One Project at a Time.
A person who has an internal sense of being neither male nor female or some combination of male and female.
Someone whose gender identity differs from the sex they were assigned at birth.
A person who’s gender is neither male or female.
A person who is born with a combination of male and female biological traits.
Someone who doesn’t follow binary gender norms.
A non-fixed gender identity that shifts over time or depending on the situation.
The Rainbow Pride Flag is widely accepted as a symbol of all LGBTQ+ people. It is the most recognizable Pride Flag or Pride symbol internationally.
An individual who is sexually or romantically attracted to more then one gender.
An individual who is attracted to people regardless of their gender.
A non-male attracted to a non-men.
A non-woman who is attracted to non-women.
An individual who does not experience sexual attraction to a person until after they’ve developed a close emotional bond.
An individual who is attracted to people of both the same and opposite sex.
An individual who lacks sexual attraction to others.